Sunday, October 30, 2011

Episode 7 Uncharted: Drake's Podcast

Welcome treasure hunters, relic finders, and all around Chloe lovers. In episode 7 we get down with the Uncharted series. We talk about our favorite moments from the first two installments in the Naughty Dog games and give our thoughts and hopes on Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception. Papa has the news from the gaming and gadget world. We also talk about some of our most watched tv series and our all time favorite shows in the listener mail section. Oh and Papa adds a new phrase to the urban dictionary. So join us in getting Naughty and click the link below.

Uncharted: Drake's Podcast

-Maverick (@MaverickTenSays)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's the Great Horror Podcast, Charlie Brown!

Hello again everybody! We are back and better than ever this week. In this week's episode we get you ready for Halloween with some talk about our favorite "make you crap your pants moments" in video games. Our Batman Expert GK gives his Batman Arkham City impressions. Papa has some news stories that will take you from the Battlefield beta stats to Mariah Carey's really her twins. We introduce our new segment PvP Picks and we get some great topics to discuss from listener mail. So grab your machete and your hockey mask and see if we can hack it. Click the Episode 6 link below and enjoy!

Episode 6

-Papa (@phpvp)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


In Episode 5 we all jump into the Batmobile and zip over to Arkham City to see what's going on. We talk about our favorite Batman movies, our favorite BatTech and discuss all things Batman to get you ready for this weeks release of Arkham City. Papa brings you the news in the video game world and a little something extra. Listen as Maverick and GK get into it over which movie is better. Sit back and enjoy! As always thanks for listening!

Episode 5 BATMAN!

-Papa (@phpvp)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Episode 4 Mobile Gaming

Hey everyone! This is Papa. In episode 4 we get into some mobile gaming, RAGE impressions, as always listener mail and we have a few Uncharted 3 beta codes to throw your way. Also we are looking for listener submissions for the blog! If you have something to say and want to be a part of the team here we want to hear it and even post it! Send your submissions to Thanks for the continued support. Sit back, relax and get ready for an ear-gasm because here we come. Yeah you read that correctly. Have fun and enjoy.

Episode 4 Mobile Gaming

-Papa (@phpvp)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Episode 3 Battlefield 3 Beta!

Hi again everybody! Today is another Sunday which means we have another episode of the PvP for you! In this week's episode we talk about the big game that everyone is talking about.  Yep you guessed it (or just read the title of the blog) Battlefield 3. Over the last few days Maverick, Papa Hotel and I have been putting some time into the Battlefield 3 Beta.  We didn't just put some time in on it on 1 console though.  No we here at PlayerVsPodcast like to be thorough with our games.  That's why we tested it on all 3 systems: PS3, Xbox 360, and the PC.  And we ran it on all three at the same time!! How's that for thorough? Curious what are thoughts are on it? Then you need to download the podcast and listen!

Along with the Battlefield 3 Beta impressions we also answered some listener questions.  You guys have been sending us some great ones, so please keep it up! We gave away the sweet Gears of War 3 poster that we talked about last week.  If you want to know who won then you're gonna have to listen!  As always though we have another cool give away for our listeners.  This time we need your help with something.  Best suggestion wins!

So please check it out.  Comment on it.  Send us questions.  We are getting great feedback from you guys so keep it up and thanks for listening!

Episode 3 Battlefield 3 Beta and Listener Mail

-GK (@geekaay10)